You Can’t Listen To Everybody
While cruising the web and checking my email, I came across a crazy article, which I was #279 to give it a thumbs down, and I am happy I did for several reasons.
One, as a successful breastfeeding mom, advocate, and self-directed educator, it is quite disturbing to see information floating around regarding breastfeeding that is negatively displayed. The second reason is because, my favorite numbers are 2, 7, and 9 and when they are in sequence like that, they are symbolic to me.
The number (9) is symbolic to woman and childbirth. I have seen breastfeeding from every angle, but it makes me wonder if more women are unsuccessful because they are listening to misinformation of don’t have a positive visual. This is that is totally bias and creating a wider gap in the push for more women to jump on Mother Nature’s lactating bandwagon. I don’t ever want mothers to feel discouraged from providing her baby… and herself with the best possible outcomes that come exclusively from breastfeeding.
So I want you to go to the article and check it out for yourself. No matter what, yeah we can identify with some of the information, but this should not be the focus. As a blogger, this is a bad look for those who are considering breastfeeding for the first time. I don’t want moms to take this information and use it as supported facts because, even though these are some of the experiences “breastfeeding moms” encounter, it is in no way “hateful.” Challenging yes, but there are plenty of things to discuss more openly about breastfeeding that should bear much more concern.
The art of breastfeeding is just that. I see it as Mother Nature’s way of helping women understand the alchemy of coming into motherhood. There are so many angles that we could address breastfeeding from a positive perspective. Yet it is still revered as this painful, arduous, and even embarrassing for some, in the event of motherhood.
Why is that I ask? People are more comfortable watching a love scene on television, rather than seeing a woman nurse her baby. Mind you they associate the act with sexual behaviors because, they do not have the right information. So they confuse mothering a baby, with jaded and perverse lenses.
And I have heard all kinds of stories while on my own journey. Some were nice, others not so nice . The saddest part is when it comes from your loved ones. Often their lack of understanding or education about the benefits of breastfeeding leads them to make indifferent comments. This is when you have to know that you can’t listen to everybody. If I would have listened to the naysayers, then I would not have continued nursing my children until they were just about 2-years. I would have stopped at 6-weeks.
Now ask me was it an adjustment? Yes! Was it painful in the beginning? Yes. But what is pain? Weakness leaving the body. It is really all about perspective. When we identify with something in a way that only we understand it, then we cancel out the opportunity to become more open and receptive to new discoveries about ourselves. And breastfeeding is the next best way to self discovery other than marriage and childbirth.
So here are (9) ways to be encouraged by breastfeeding that most will not tell you.
- Breastfeeding a your baby takes commitment and determination. Breastfeeding women need to maintain a nutritious, well-balanced diet. Moms must remember she is still eating for two. Just be mindful. No fancy diet regimens needed.
- If applicable incorporate father/partner time with the baby. This is a sure way to give yourself breaks in between feedings, especially new moms. Fathers can lay and cuddle during feedings to maintain active bonding time with mother and baby.
- Many mothers who choose to nurse their babies also work or go to school, and they do this successfully. The benefit of breastfeeding also builds up a babies immunity so mom does not have to take off as much because, formula-fed babies catch colds, earaches, intestinal upsets, and other illnesses more easily. Exclusive breastfeeding has also been noted to aid in the reduction of the infant mortality rate.
- For the woman who has to breastfeed in public, there are many techniques that one can learn to be modest during feeding times. Some of these are even fashion forward.
- Most new moms fear that they are not producing enough milk right after the baby is born. And she is right. Because she is not producing milk, she is producing colostrum. Colostrum contains the most valuable nutrients and immunizing agents, and it is all a baby needs until mature milk begins to be produced. This is roughly about 72 hours after the baby is born. So KEEP Nursing!
- Don’t worry about losing the baby weight so quickly. On an average a woman burns 300-500 calories a day breastfeeding. This is just enough to gradually lose weight in a healthy way that still supports your baby’s nutritional needs.
- Women who have cesarean births can breastfeed just like women who birth vaginally. It is important to know the ideal breastfeeding positions to keep pressure off the incision site. This can also be soothing to women who had to have an emergency or unplanned C-section to reconnect with the bonding element of childbirth.
- The baby will let you know if he/she/they are not getting enough milk. Look for signs of hunger, growth activity, how alert baby is, and how many diapers you go through. (This is where the value of cloth diapering comes in, but that’s a whole different post).
- Breastfeeding is just as good for the mom as it is for the baby. Like, breastfeeding reduces postpartum bleeding and may also reduce the risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer.
Well here it is… I hope that this helps someone to be encouraged and keep up the good work of nursing your baby. Don’t listen to negative information and stay focused on the goal. You are part of the solution.