A man has endless opportunities to encounter elevation of his being in a lifetime… The opportunity to completely involve himself ~from conception, through birth, and on into the life and creation of his families seed may very well be the most empowering and rewarding encounter!
The time of birth is one of the most opportune times for a man and a woman to share creation that only the two of them together could have made. A time when seeing the physical manifestation of what you two can do together truly overshadows any indifference that you may have shared prior to or after this moment. A woman can look at her man and see the strength and security that he gives her; the protection she feels giving her reason for recreating him, eternal life that only she could grant her mate (THIS child). A man can look at his woman and see the magnanimity that a woman has when she is one with nature, a respect for the vessel that she was made to be in delivering life… the worlds greatest gift to them… creation!
Seeing your child born in the proper environment has the ability to make you view every woman you know and meet with a purpose for being… and raise the question of why doesn’t every couple or family get to feel this very super-heroesque empowerment that comes along with this experience. The answer to that is very complex, but also very simple. The evolution that comes with having children can make or break the strongest of spirits. I’ve seen the most irresponsible people become model parents once they paused the chaos and really divulged themselves into the change that was embarking on their lives and focused on the empowerment that creating life can provide one with. Unfortunately, I’ve seen the exact opposite a very strong spirit broken down and beaten because they fought against the change and wanted to hold on to their old selves in ways that conflicted even though they knew the value of what evolution of creating life can do for one’s being. Childbirth is probably the biggest life altering event that a person can go through, this is why when the village(family) is a strong unit the pregnancy and birth itself can yield a renewing of spirit and soul that is almost impossible to duplicate. The most invigorated of the family will of course be the creators ‘Mom and Dad’.
Creating life and contributing to the existence of our species is one of the highest forms of living in the image of ‘The Most High… God’ our creator that we can accomplish. ~ VoiceMEL
As the Father of all creation implants the seed of all that lives into Mother Earth, and watches the seed grow into whatever it was meant to become… on goes the existence of all living things on this planet (as well as I’m sure the universe for that matter, but that’s to be con’t in a different blog…). This is the same exhilaration that parents should be able to become one with. As the males(MELs) in this dynamic event it becomes our responsibility in a sense to make sure that this happens. The power that men have in the birth may not seem like much when thinking on it physically or even mentally by what history teaches us on our position or role in this process. In all actuality the typical role that the male has been given could not be more inaccurate from what helps the process of childbirth to be a beautiful memory/experience. The old school wait in the waiting room pacing the floor or the focal point of hate and frustration that the mother belittles and abuses with fault for doing this to her, is quickly becoming extinct. A great article that I recently read covered this subject matter extensively at belly belly.com … check it out!
Men are becoming more aware and knowledgeable about what their encouragement and support can mean to their women when preparing for the birth and going through the whole process together. A woman will naturally feel a certain type of appreciation to the person who held their hand and encouraged them through surges or labour pains. Even the little things like giving ice chips or messages when and where they are needed can go a long way for the comfort of the mother… who better to be the recipient of her appreciation than her mate. Dr. Robert A. Bradley author of ” Husband-Coached Childbirth” creator of The Bradley Method of natural childbirth, was known for being one of (if not) the first physicians in a hospital to implement these tactics as he also introduced natural drug-free childbirth into the hospitals. This type of good nature was not back then in the 70′s and still to this day of common practice, but the more knowledge that the family has the more power.
Like for instance, a father signs a form in the midst of all that lovely paperwork that is given to a family when having a baby at the hospital that says he will make the decisions in the delivery room because the mother will be in a delusional state of mind because of the drugs. In which of course she signs the form waiving her rights at that time as well. The part that makes this go bad is when the father is not made aware of all the power that he has in saying what happens and what doesn’t, usually due to the lack of education on the whole process of the birth. What I will say to solve these issues is study together and separately, gather all the knowledge you can about this process and make a birth plan… most of all stick to the plan.
Homebirthing was the option that allowed my family to be (without conflict) in control of our choices and carry-out our births as we planned them…
It wasn’t a common practice at all in either of our families to birth at home, in fact barely anyone that we knew had ever even thought about doing it. After a few terrible Doctor visits with our first pregnancy and the research that we performed was at a confident level we made the homebirth decision and continued to build our ideal birth as we saw fit. The studying was more driven by the Mrs of course, but I was all in willing to learn all that I could as well as share with her anything that I found would add value to our knowledge. We created our birth chamber together, went to the hypnobirthing classes together, all the midwife visits together, and really focused on the task at hand together… I wanted mine to know that I would be prepared to the fullest and that she could count on me the whole way for whatever she needed. This carried us on to be able to deliver our second and third sons without medical assistance( also another blog soon to come… Lol).
Preparation is the key, and men we have to know that the preparation is as much on us as it is on the woman… Making her assured of this and confident that you will be all the support and reassurance she needs before, during, and after the birth will set smooths sails going in and coming out… Be her knight in shining armor, now if no other time in life… and guaranteed your family will reap the treasure of your acts.