Maternal Health In The USA Fails The American Family
No matter how far we believe we have come, we have to identify with the issues at hand here in America, as it relates to maternal mortality and infant death. As I worked this weekend, drafting new content and a more positive branding structure for the TIM (The InTune Mother) website, I had an epiphany. We need to keep positive stories as it relates to maternal and infant health on the forefront. This is part of a beta test that we launched to show people how powerful the media is as it relates to how we feel about the mentioned subject. But I have to be real. Maternal and infant death is why we are here (on this website). We are driving awareness to this issue because, if we don’t confront these issues head on… Looking at the root of the problems… With a clear lens… Then we won’t find a viable solution. As I woke up this morning, with my husband at my feet, my youngest son at my breast, and my middle son snuggled on the edge of the bed, with his fluffy dog pillow, I was filled with tears of gratitude. There is something unique about my life. This is not to say that other families are not unique in their own way — I just see the beauty in being a part of the majority and not the minority, of those families who woke up feeling defeated and displaced. To the mother of a child who didn’t wake up this morning because, she passed after giving birth to her new baby. Or the family grieving the loss of the much anticipated newcomer who was stillborn at 39 weeks. Lastly for the baby who didn’t make it to his/her first birthday because, the environment wasn’t conducive to a thriving family lifestyle. And this is a majority issue to a minority people, but it’s actually the opposite. This is a minority issue, to a majority people, and majority of these people are transitioning through a crisis. When this is taking place in the community, it makes the U.S. look like a third world developing country, NOT AMERICA. If you look at the diagram below you’ll see exactly what I mean.
Maternal Health Care Has Bad Karma In The US
When I got out of bed, I brushed my teeth and washed my face, I sat down in front of the computer to check my email and Facebook inbox for pertinent notifications… Only to find an article by the Huffington Post (read more here), and see what you see above this paragraph. It’s sad that the United States is number 7 out of 10 other countries and has a 1.7% increased in the rank of maternal mortality. This should not be a shocking thing. When you look at the lineup of how other countries are progressing, I can’t do anything, but be driven down into my spirit and insight about bad karma for the United States. I say this because, when you look at the other countries; Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Chad to name a few, you know these are heavily war ridden populations. And it bothers me that we would be in the running with these countries, who are not as developed, and we (Americans) a thriving, technology driven country, are still poorly ranking, with these specific numbers in our diverse populations. This tells us something very very deep. It tells us… when we see places like Romania, Poland, and Albania even Morocco having decreased its maternal mortality rate, it tells us something very important… It tells us that we’re just placing our resources and cosmic energy in the wrong place. This universal energy is abundant and full of endless possibilities, including self preservation. It is no secret to the solution here. We know that education has always been the key to successful developments in time. Yet now misuse of this energy is showing its face and “Houston we have a big problem!” I won’t go into the history of our ancestors from South Africa, to West and East Africa, to the West Indies, and South America. I won’t go into those places within this blog post. But what I will say is that in order for us to see a solution and to break the karmic past of the United States, as it relates to this maternal mortality rate… Specifically within the African-American population we have to speak the truth.
There has to be a driving force here and it has to be filled, with deliberate and strategic ideas, around how to fix things. I believe the way to creating this solution is sitting right in front of our faces. Don’t let this data get twisted up. There is probably going to be a higher spike in the numbers yet because, with better reporting and tracking applications, we will see a great difference. In hopes that the determining information is building bridges for more innovative strategies. For instance, by returning to nature, we allow fresh perspectives to be introduced to the public eye. But, when you have a society that refutes nature, and that talks against nature… and everything is so medical and scientific… We miss the ball. We miss the opportunity to eradicate these different types of disparities, within the culture of maternal health. This is about primary care for all, or better yet human rights (period). I study with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and when you think about what Primary Healthcare For All means, it’s declaration is about preserving humanities well being, starting with proper health care. If anything, the care women receive here in the states is so shabby because, we don’t have the two very most dynamic pieces of the maternal puzzle working together. We have medical vs. political vs. humanity and then what we end up having is; different types of disparities that were unable to be maneuvered into a solid solution because, the minds are geared towards social experimentation, new technologies, new ways to utilize instruments (toys) versus following the mind of nature drawing off of the karma of what has always been… Or “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
The Mental Mentality Behind Maternal Health
“Mind your matter” is the biggest message that we’ve always said to families that we service here at TIM. One other finite perspective we pride ourselves in here at The InTune Mother Project is that there is usually no physician in attendance to help you (mother/father) learn the act of lovemaking. It was a natural and consensual process 90% of the time. Which in turn implanted that child into the womb of the mother… so why should there be the need of physician assistance to extract or remove a child from it’s mother’s womb, when there is no serious reason to do so. In America right now, the cesarean rate is at 32.8%. When we look at this clearly, the maternal and infant death rate doubling and tripling in the populations here and abroad, what are we really arguing and debating over? Is it money or the idea of childbirth being a natural event versus a medical event? So then I’d say we’re causing ourselves more harm than good because, simply put, there is no solution that lives in the research money you spend on commonwealth education. Starting with effective ideas around what is being done right, instead of what certain populations lack or are in need of is the one way to be effective. Ever watched a cat give birth, or a dog, or any other animal in the wild? There’s no one there to interrupt the system or massage human, domesticated concepts into the life force energy of that well equipped creature. In itself and I’m humbly speaking that the more we identify with the problems from suggestive entities, lying down the ground rules inside the minds of those controlling “We The People,” then the populations mental faculties surrounding the natural and holistic body of successful health and wellness, will continue to see faltering in the human population. I’m not sorry for seeking deliberate therapy and equally just access for those who know not. There is nothing that can be done or that will be done, if we do not create programs that speak to the reality of these issues. There will only be more disparities, more works toward balancing faulty mental energy, until we learn to go where the love is. Following and loving, piece by piece. This is found when humanity takes hold of the foundation of what we know we have, and that is a voice. There is an amazing quote by Jim Rohn that says,
“Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.”
The beauty of effective communication is 20% of what you know and is just your learned concept… and the other 80% of how you feel about what you know is based on how confident you are of what you learned to trust as true or false. Here is an example: You’re pregnant. 20% of this information you know as truth.. Whether you took a test at home or found out from your practitioner, you know that you’re pregnant. Now the real cookie here is about how you feel now that you know your pregnant. Do those same anxious thoughts come to mind that most women have? You plan to go to the hospital, They may play the money card and fill your head with this statement, ” You’re a small woman and most women your size have complicated deliveries”. And this is where we have to get a serious action plan. These physicians actually tell these new moms things that spike stress levels and create hypertension, nor do they advise women of alternatives outside of prescriptions or nutritional value, for prenatal health, and they seldom work with Midwives & Doulas due to inferiority complexes in the male dominated field of obstetrics.
If these women do not have the right information as to who can help them give birth successfully, then I’m not so sure that traditional methods of childbirth will rise, with little or no support to their education. And giving them a very basic education is such a slap in the face. What should they have to learn you might ask? People need to be educated by people that look like them first! The more and more were able to educate people from a communal standpoint, the more we are able to identify with the problems at hand, and create valuable solutions. There is no way to look at every woman’s body as a one-stop shop or SRX-Model. These are human beings and we have to get out of that sick state of mind and broken mentality that everybody is created the same way. Yes! Every woman has a vagina, with her very own uniqueness about her vagina, it is actually her fingerprint in childbirth. No vagina is the same. Ask the men who sleep with random women and they’ll tell you that. There’s no identical aspects in relation to the promise that every woman’s pelvis is also unique, so we have to treat it that way. This simple idea has been oppressively used by those who prey on the weak, when they take away a woman’s right to identify with her own bodily forces. They are obstructing her ability to charge forward, within her responsibility by convincing her that letting go of her power is right and exact. This is almost as bad as rape and being taken advantage of because they are mentally stripping her of what she’s capable of doing innately by herself, and that is protecting herself and her young. So by telling her to resist herself, this is the reason why we’re losing so many women, and so many babies to Deadly Deliveries because, too many don’t want to see women giving birth the way that mother nature intended. To many want to disturb nature in every way that they can, to research, pick, and probe to get information that is unnecessary for human evolution. It’s so simple, Dr. Bradley speaks of this highly ~ If you just watch nature you’ll get the research, you’ll get the information, you’ll get your solutions. but then again, it all begins with the key component and that is the power of effective communication. When you have blockages in your communication, you’ll find disparities at every turn… Can you hear Mother Nature crying for her children?
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