This day in time is full of information and propaganda. Right here and now it is so much critical information to move beyond, just living day to day. According to #KanyeWest we are NEW SLAVES — slaves to the poverty mindset is surly the blood on the leaves. After reading for the 4th time this week about another young Black male child dead before 25, I am heavy. We use to have milestones in the life-cycle of our youth… Now we just have news reporters and statistics. As the proud wife of a remarkable Black man, with whom I parent three Black male children, together we feel that we HAVE TO BE STRATEGIC, in teaching our children the way of the current world. When my oldest son who was five at the time of the Travon Martin case — now he is seven and watching the Mike Brown case he asked, “Why do they always kill Black people? He went on the ask, was it safe to be a Black person… and profess his fear of being a Black male. So I have been very careful in order to write this bog post, with love and gratitude for self and kind first. This post could not only be about a distressed childbirth community of a problematic population of Black people. This is about a problematic society of ancestral backlash and we have all been tragically affected by the forceful root of slavery and the birth of the Negro American in the new world.
So we thank you for staying committed to our posts as we sort through the divinity of our hearts, and the best way to approach the stories we have been reading in the latest articles around the Black population regarding women, their children, and the power of the urban community through the “wonder years”. I really want to be transparent here and touch on some issues regarding the BLACK community, maternal health, and infant death from a deeper prospective, without being offensive. This seriously has to go above and beyond providing a population of people with “proper” education about how to have babies, what to eat, what to wear, and what is appropriate maternal behavior. This is bigger than telling a mom what activities not to engage in that can obviously be harmful to herself or the unborn baby. What this is about is a shift in cultural competencies, and the lack of urgency, to give Love and respect for self and kind. This is about the importance of the Black mother and her contribution to population to the human civilization as a whole. Lastly what this is about is… a long legacy of poor, undermined, strategic approaches to the falter of Black community, and the Black mother has ALWAYS been the main target.
We as healthy childbirth advocates, human rights activists, artist, philanthropists, and educators come in all sorts of colors. Our goals to make the world a better place to live for everyone is our commonality in humanity. The sad thing is that (Black people) have to take such a strategic approach, when attempting to execute any negativity or problematic issues, within our dying community. So why is it when minority people take the empowerment approach it is identified as being racist and/or rebellious. But what makes it rebellious? Why it such and issue when people of color want better for their population? It is past time for taking responsibility to rebuild a positive infrastructure that establishes a collective neutrality between various communities, groups, and organizations. It is hard to do this without being met with opposition because, society thrives off of social classifications and the intellectually elite.
This is why the Black population has only 9 people in the whole USA that represents the Billionaires Club. The problem with this is that, with such a small number of world changers, we are still stretched out, bitter, and frustrated by those who don’t see the need to change the situation within the minority population. The underserved are critically judged, with large specks of dirt in the eyes of the majority. Many label them unjustly, while we continue holding on to signs that read, “No Justice, It’s JUST US.” But “just” means what? Does it mean, if we begin to conduct our own resource network of services through financial institutions, healthcare, education, and politics? Does that mean we would see more reproductive, maternal, and infant disparity gaps closed? Would we see more families living in harmony? Would we see more liberation within the guise of freedom? Just what if we stopped looking to government organizations and services to support the sustainability of our families? We have to be honest that if we did have a different economic profile, would we be willing to invest in our own sovereignty? Would we be in the same position because of the fearful and lacking mentality? But just what if something was actually created to spark the needed change of liberation and independence that broke the chains once and for all?
Human Welfare vs. Maternal Warfare
The uniqueness of the Black population and it’s influence on society is our own. The new-found culture, and how it’s leading many in various directions has it’s good points and not so good points. Those who assume the position as (oppressive theorists) has everyone all twisted up in one big noose. So we have to learn how to reconnect to our innate nature and remove ourselves from this NEW way of thinking about the OLD world. Simplicity rules the game… but these simplistic concepts are NOT being implemented within SOCIAL SOCIETY of community… Because we are being taught by people who do not have the proper cultural concepts around economics, civilization, childbearing, and family. Here lays the problem. There is an assumption that because Blacks are having such economic, social, maternal, and infant hardships, we are not intellectually savvy enough to change these dynamics. This is my take… Instead of attempting to correct cultural behavioral attitudes… Share the balance of understanding. Acknowledge that the theories used to assist in finding these statistics are the culprit. Think of the statistics that tell us that more Black men are gay or in prison than their White counterparts. Majority of these men that are incarcerated are there on faulty charges. Or that men of color – particularly Black men are poor fathers. What about the fact that more women of color have poor birth outcomes than any other population. Then we have the HIV/Aids statics. This is not coincidental. This is maternal warfare. Studies show that most new HIV infections among African American women (87%; 5,300) are attributed to heterosexual contact.
We would not have to dig too deep to see the social and economic profile that is being put on display for people of color. When the Black population begins to realize that our origin and new-found residence determines the whole existence of our current conditions… maybe then many will wake up. Black women are having trouble in childbirth because, epigenetically we are suffering from post-traumatic cultural stress. Our new culture is sensationalized by the economics of reality television, sexual mis-education in music, and poor financial investment choices. More stress comes from the woman’s inability to transcend with these times. This accounts for majority of her emotional trauma because, she does not know where she fits in with herself, her man, or her community, so she struggles with her place in manifesting life from within. This is also warfare.
When our original cultural practices were removed in the new land, our natural, socially intuitive concepts died, with our spiritual through religious indoctrination. It is past time to resurrect the culture of a strong economic movement to save Black women and children, through our own social concepts because, this is so not just about mortality rates… This is about reconnecting to the right mental profile and environment surrounding the “image” of the Black Family as a whole.
Sankofa Led Progression
There is a multitude of minority organizations making phenomenal strides, by educating and producing strong community connections in the population of color. The ICTC and The Birthing Project are just a couple. There are many others serving the population in “community development.” But every time I read a new article about the need of more Black people in the maternal health care rescue, I cringe. I cringe because, there are people doing the work, whether they are being publicly recognized for it or not. The idea of adding more Blacks to the profession of healthcare will ultimately shape the profile of the community of color. So it makes me ask, “How long are we going to have to keep rescuing Black people?” I cringe again because, there is a genocidal presence hovering over our community that highlights everything that we do in error and shortcomings, and not our triumphs. But the funny thing is that what is done in error, is learned behavior. We were taught to hate ourselves, to deny our own instincts, and to denounce native cultural practices. Yet when I see other proud organizations, led by the majority population, teaching their white counterparts, and a fraction of women of color, how to reconnect to the original spiritual concepts of childbirth, with their own organic ideologies, I can’t help but question, the purpose of the mission.
Next these organizations go out and serve the “underserved” populations, with no authentic connection and this makes me feel displaced, because many minority owned grassroots organizations have small budgets to implement their services. Although sincere in their desires, it keeps the majority populations at the forefront of maternal education and the minority population somewhat invisible.
They are not as successful in our communities because, of rich cultural barriers. It is said, that we live in a diverse society, and maybe this is the problem. We are only diversified by race, ethnicity, and culture. Not to mention by what is in our bank accounts. When in essence of it all we are not oppressed by the color of or skin, but the interpretations of the mind and how we identify with one another based on the color of our skin. When Black people have to fight to prove their competence, their loyalty, their intellect, and their communal validity… this is a problem. When ALL people stop competing in this invisible race war, then we will fare over much better because, LOVE is the greatest historical principle that any population of people can research, and seek to find. With this we can find the same universal outcome. For love is where we will find Sankofa. This is the beginning of what we are ALL searching for. It is not hidden in a textbook, seminar, or lecture. It is deep within the principles of humanity and purpose as a whole. Life is full of abundance and there is no thing or person without access to this universal gift. We just have to remember that we have access to it and that access is through our children.
Make love and not war… The future of humanity depends on it…
The InTune Mother Is About Childbirth Empowerment
Here at The InTune Mother, we take on a holistic, spiritual, NON-MEDICAL approach to childbirth that empowers the mother and partner of the unborn baby from a communal stand point.
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